Wednesday, 27 January 2016

A glimmer of hope

To say the weather has been bloody miserable is an understatement. The garden is like a quagmire, warm one day, wet the next or even freezing of late. It has been so dark - now I like the dark days at this time of year, but enough is enough......I need sunshine! A glimmer of hope - a crack in the clouds out to sea. Forecast says more rain.

Friday, 22 January 2016

Holiday Planning

They say January is the month for planning and booking holidays for later in the year. Here's a few tasters (mostly from the Canadian Pacific Railroad Company) to whet your whistle - Canada anyone?

Wednesday, 20 January 2016

January clear out

The time had come after the inevitable indulgence over the Christmas period - the freezer needed a clear out and an evaluation of its current contents. Rainbow trout from the river, luncheon meat (barbel bait which had been thawed and re-frozen far too many times), pike bait (various stages of freshness) and a glut of fruit from the garden.

The fruit I had for some reason totally forgotten about - redcurrants and blackcurrants galore. A plan was hatched and The Captain made a mouthwatering batch of jelly. Just nice on a crumpet or as an accompaniment with a roast - everyone wins!