Wednesday, 17 December 2014

Harcork Heaven

It just wouldn't be Christmas without at least one festive trip after the wily old grayling of the River Ebble. I was lucky enough to squeeze in a short trotting trip before being struck down with the cold to end all was below freezing as I tackled up in the church car park still shaken after witnessing an awful accident en route. Slow down!

At first bites were hard to come by, but with the sun shining, maggots plumper than a suckling pig and a Harcork float like a Christmas decoration how on earth could I be down hearted.

The little Ebble is a joy to behold in its winter cloak. Fast, clear and cold. When the first dip of the float comes it is so fierce it almost wrenches the rod from my grasp.

Seven lovely grayling came twisting and turning to the net to be admired and then returned to their winter home. The float ambled its way down the stream in the most appealing way........Harcork Heaven!


The Two Terriers said...

The pics haven't come up on the site Dickie but they show as a slide show… I'm jealous. Grayling. Lovely.

All the best, John.

Dickie Straker said...

They are indeed John - I guess you don't have too many up your way? I'll be hung, drawn and quartered for this, but they don't half taste good too! I haven't eaten one for years. Bernard Venables put me onto them, especially wrapped in bacon. Couldn't take one now though, they are such beautiful fish. TTFN, Dickie

The Two Terriers said...

You're not wrong Dickie, my uncle Jack, who started me fishing, used to bring them from the Swale when I was a nipper. They taste good as do, whisper, perch and zander… I'm going to the confessional now.
